Domain Names and Hosting
Domain Name Registration
Your domain name designates your website and email. It is critical in defining your web presence. Let us help you select and register your domain name.

Why a Domain Name
Your Domain Name Links Your Web Presence
Your website, its content, your Blog, your email, your website listing by search engines, your website activity analysis and your links to social media are all based on your domain name.
Internet Addresses
The internet keeps track of your website using a numeric address, such as:
Since numeric addresses are hard to remember and type, domain names are used as a convenience to represent the actual address.
How Do Domain Names Work
When your domain name is entered into a browser window, the underlying internet software causes it to be converted to the correct numeric address which is then used to locate your website. While this explanation is oversimplified, it indicates how domain names work.
Choosing Domain Names
You may choose any name that is not registered by someone else. If you cannot register a name ending in com, then you may try other endings, such as: net, org, biz, or info.
Search for your Domain Name: Find A Domain
Try to choose a name that identifies your business, represents your type of business and is easy to type. This will help both your users and search engines in finding your website.
You may want to register more than one domain to protect similar names. Additional names can be automatically forwarded to your primary domain name.

Domain Names
By registering your domain name, no other user in the world can make use of it for internet purposes. Paldom Systems can register it for you and handle renewals.
We strongly suggest using a domain name registrar separate from your hosting service.
Registration Information.
Name, address, phone and email address of the registering owner.
Name, address, phone and email address of the owner’s administrative contact.
Name, address, phone and email address of the technical contact.
Number of years to register, 1 to 10.
Trademark Warning.
While you may register a name, you may not be able to use it in promoting your company or website. If another party has already obtained a trademark for that name, you may be prevented from using it in commerce. This is a warning, not legal advice. Therefore, you may want to search trademark records before registering an otherwise available domain name.
Website Hosting
Selecting a web hosting service from the hundreds of candidates is a critical decision.
Let us help. We have experience with several very good hosting services.

Web Hosting
Hosting is critical to your website’s success.
Your website resides on your host’s servers and is developed, maintained, and operated using the host’s services, tools, and performance. Browsers access your web pages on the host’s servers and email is sent, received, forwarded and stored on the web server.
Your website must be installed on a web server that is connected to the internet. These are high speed connections which are required to provide rapid web page display. These speeds are much faster than is available through normal local DSL or Cable Broadband services.
Web hosting companies
Web hosting companies provide shared access to servers so that website developers and end users do not have to pay for expensive dedicated servers.
They manage all the security, backup and redundant internet access points necessary to provide maximum “up-time”. They also provide various services required to manage modern websites.
Accessing the host
The host can be accessed using standard ftp (file transfer protocols) supported by the internet. Using WordPress simplifies this process. If you help maintain your own site content, you will be provided procedures and tools for sending updated content to your web server. We will provide training in the use of these tools.

Hosting Services
If we provide hosting
PALDOM SYSTEMS contracts with several highly ranked hosting services. We also perform installation, administration and technical services associated with your site. This allows you to concentrate on your website without having to become an expert in web hosting services administration.
PALDOM SYSTEMS can provide almost any hosting service required by a small business through our hosting contracts. This may even include making dedicated servers available to you as your site grows.
Currently we have sites hosted on BlueHost, JustHost and GoDaddy. We strongly suggest using a hosting service separate from your domain name registrar.
If you provide hosting
In most cases, if the owner has contracted with another hosting service, we can work with the service.
We can help administer the site and perform the same website development services that we provide when also hosting the site.
Be sure your hosting service supports WordPress, as some do-it-yourself services do not.
Major Features
The following is a list of major features available through hosting with PALDOM. Many optional features and services are also available, some with modest additional costs.
- 24/7 access.
- Linux web server.
- Disk Space per site, with expansion possible.
- Backup to PALDOM SYSTEM’S computer or your own.
- Unlimited Data Transfer per month.
- Email accounts.
- Email forwarding – email may be forwarded to another email account of yours.
- Password management.
- URL forwarding – other domain names may be registered with forwarding to your main site.
- Automatic domain name renewal notices.
- Online support from hosting service, with 4 hour response through PALDOM SYSTEMS.
- Telephone support from hosting service, through PALDOM SYSTEMS.
- Chat online support 24/7.